Tsiblisi, Georgia - Secretary General of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights, Mr. Bambang Rantam Sariwanto and his entourage visited Georgia's one-stop public service office, Tsiblisi on Thursday (08/06/2017). Georgia is the first country to implement public services under one roof. One-roof service can also be carried out in the region called community center.
Besides its simplifying purpose for the application process, this innovation aims to ease everyone getting access of the service information provided, and to minimize the number of corruption by reducing the interaction between the applicant and the officer. The services in the Public Hall are the Front-Desk services, while the documents are continue to be filed to the respective authorized ministries or agencies, and within just 10 days, the applicant will get the result in the Public Hall. In fact, applicants may have one-day service costed twice the standard fee.